Category Uncategorized

It’s been awhile.

I will resume my postings once I have the rest of my equipment back, sans server. I was planning on writing a full report back in May on what I had accomplished since my last post, but the aforementioned situation…

Testing ActivityPub II

Doing yet another test. I’m wanting to see if the plug-in acknowledges my settings and if actually puts in a clickable link. I don’t want users to have to copy paste the blog link. That’s barbaric lol Oh in other…

Testing ActivityPub connection….

Just testing the connection and making sure it is working as expected. This post should appear normally in followers timelines and on the page that gets loaded by other ActivityPub server. In other news…. I miss my iPod.

Well… RIP

TLDR: My iPod 5th Gen bit the dust, and I’m not sure what I’ll be doing going forward to replace it. So I’ve had the iPod I posted about yesterday for roughly 3 years and I haven’t used it all…

ProxMox Server build

As a part of my About Me, I figured my inaugural post should be about the server I have running. It’s based on the current version of ProxMox 7.3. I have it configured as a “Domain in a Box” where…